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Milwaukee Christian Center

Through its YouthBuild workforce development program, Milwaukee Christian Center (MCC) provides low-income, at-risk young adults, ages 18 to 24, with comprehensive training and employment services to help them lead responsible lives. Participants receive academic assistance so they can earn their GEDs, as well as develop marketable construction skills by working side-by-side with skilled contractors.

LRC provides a revolving line of credit to YouthBuild and other MCC programs to assist with the creation of affordable housing in Milwaukee’s most distressed neighborhoods. This includes both new homes and the rehab of existing homes, which are sold to income-qualifying homeowners. In July 2015, MCC-Youthbuild celebrated the completion and sale of its 13th home.

Along with building beautiful homes, YouthBuild participants build their own skills and self-esteem. Pictured at left are proud YouthBuild workers, along with LRC staffers Ngozie Omegbu and Lavelle Young, and MCC Program Director John Kaye at the July 2015 open house.

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